Fraud on the Patent Office

Involves the deliberate deception of a patent office, especially the United States Patent and Trademark Office, in order to obtain a patent. This can result in at least unenforceability and potentially invalidity, legal, and even criminal penalties and the risk...

Clustering, Patent to ensure the inventor or company’s work cannot be easily designed around. One advantage of clustering patents is that it increases the likelihood that a company will obtain blocking patents, which from a defensive perspective, may result in cross...

Discriminatory Pricing

...unfair competition laws seek to protect small shopkeepers and businesses by seeking to limit the scale of the discounts that larger players can obtain—however, most provisions of this type are generally being abolished as unduly inflationary. See Robinson Patman Act...

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

U.S. federal statute rendering it an offense for U.S. citizens, companies, and direct foreign subsidiaries of U.S. companies to offer, promise, or pay anything of value to any foreign government official in order to obtain or retain business i.e., an...

Friends and Family Shares/Allocation

...persons. In many respects, this is designed to minimize founder’s tax liabilities by providing that person who might subsequently benefit from their largess, e.g., children, obtain the benefits of the IPO directly and thereby pay tax once rather than twice....

Orphan Work

Term used to refer to a work protected by copyright, whose ownership is unknown or very unclear. Because the owner cannot be identified in order to obtain legal rights to use the work, it can languish unused and become forgotten....

Export Credit Insurance

...e.g., airliners, power generating plants, etc. However, arguably it is small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startup companies who are most vulnerable to a default and most likely to need such insurance (but paradoxically are least likely to obtain it)....

Security for Costs

...appeal is brought, especially for a costs award in the lower court and may form part of an appeal bond. In the UK a system has developed where contingency-fee plaintiffs can obtain insurance from specialist insurers to secure the other...

Withholding Tax, Royalty

...usually require various permissions or certifications from the licensee’s government and/or tax authority. In any event, liability for such withholding tax should be apportioned in any licensing agreement, as well as the obligation to obtain any necessary tax clearance documents....