Popular website discussing topical intellectual property issues from a mainly UK and European perspective....


Something that is not permitted to be used so as to clone this glossary and represent it as someone else’s work. Copybots are programs which are used to scrape a website’s contents or copy online game elements by cloners and...

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

...1301). The DMCA has been held not to preclude reverse engineering. A key aspect of the DMCA is that it provides a safe-harbor from patent infringement claims for Internet website hosts if they response reasonably diligently to a Takedown Notice...

Whack-a-mole (or Whac-a-mole)

...copyright against the Pirate Bay or online scam companies, as a success in shutting down one online location is often rapidly followed by the website reappearing on a different server. The term originates from 1970’s arcade game Whac-A-Mole® in which...

Organisation Africaine de la PropriΓ©tΓ© Intellectuelle (OAPI)

...Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo Brazzaville, Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal and Togo. Although OAPI has two working languages, English and French, in practice, materials on its website are almost exclusively in French....

Laffey Matrix

...this matrix up to date using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Laffey Matrix is not universally used in US courts, but several circuits have adopted it. The current Laffey Matrix is normally available on the website of...

Minimum Viable Market/Audience [Scale]

The minimum size of market that allows for commercial manufacture in profitable volume of a product, or in the context of a website, the minimum number of potential viewers that will support its commercial objectives. See Amortisation Market...

Steps in the Shoes of

...existence for them to be valid against a purchaser of the IP with or without notice, i.e., a bone-fide purchaser. The cliché is more accurate when applied to licenses assignable by their terms—there the principle is widely upheld that all...

Lockout Device

Embedded code or device, usually in software, that disables the software when the license is no longer valid. Lockout devices are often used on mainframe software, which is essentially leased; typically, if the software vendor does not suspend the lockout...

Joint Defense Agreement (JDA)

...a JDA to be valid there must be a community or commonality of legal interest, e.g., parties should usually be defending the same or very similar claims, for example the same patent; JDA’s can also be executed between a defendant/indemnitee...