Export Controls

...that apply export controls issue various types of export licenses, but there are certain differences: for example, as a technical matter all U.S. goods are, in theory subject to export licensing, but most benefit from a “General License” that means...

Copyleft, Copy-Left

A term used to designate dedication to the public used in the context of Copyright, normally associated with open source licensing, shareware, and the Free Software Foundation.

Non-Disclosure Agreement

...set of exceptions, including: information generally available to the public; information the recipient obtains independently from another source; information the recipient may have received from the source, but was already in provably possession of when it received it; information that...

Pre-Action Disclosure

...(CPR 31.16) and against a more limited set of potential third parties (CPR 31.17.) The purpose of requiring such disclosure is to: ‘(i) dispose fairly of the anticipated proceedings; (ii) assist the dispute to be resolved without proceedings [i.e., drive...

Fair Dealing

...no clear recognition of the concept of fair dealing, e.g., Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland, and in those countries where it exists in the scope and application of the defense is highly variable. See also Fair Use,...

Blocking Patent

...cross license, often royalty-free. Frequently, when a company is faced with the risk that a competitor will secure a pioneer patent (because it has, for instance, seen the published application) it will seek to obtain blocking patents on essential improvements....

Capital Asset Pricing Model

...the CAPM is to determine fair value and whether an asset is overpriced or underpriced. The CAPM has a number of inherent defects including, for example, the need to make an accurate assumption about rates of market return, the degree...

Bundling Rights

...fee for every customer who pays to use the service (a common arrangement with bundled services with PCs). Alternately when tied to consumables (and sometimes a recommendation for continued use), for example detergent (with a washing machine), car tires (on...

Chicago School

...the casino) – and therefore there should be no players. Casinos still exist, and still have roulette, slot machines and other games of pure-chance arranged to mathematically favour the house, which sufficient ‘punters’ play and lose at, as to be...


...add significant new functionality. Thus for example, software might be coded “Flivver 1.0′ with an maintenance update being ‘Flivver 1.1′ and a new version ‘Flivver 2.0.’ In general the last digit (farthest right) after a decimal refers to a maintenance...