Standard, Technical

...drawn from across an industry (often described as technical experts groups), usually under the auspices of an organization such as ETSI or the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE); or unilateral or de facto standards (the best known of...


Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement—term used in negotiating strategy to define the threshold of what a theoretical negotiator must be offered before the negotiated offer is better than no deal at all. The term was apparently originally coined at...

DIN a number, which indicates the technical standard that the product should comply with. The best known DIN is 476 which established international paper sizes such as A3, A4, B1, B2, C1, etc., and was subsequently adopted by ISO as...

Public License

A license that usually allows the public to freely use the underlying intellectual property. The best known is the GNU General Public License...

Digital Rights Management

A broad term for a number of methodologies that permit the vendor of rights to intellectual property supplied in digital form (typically copyrighted material) to control and limit access to licensed users. The best-known form of DRM is content scrambling...

Inadequate Description

...ordinary skill in the art) the invention. If it fails to do so, the description is described as inadequate. In U.S. law there are two major types of inadequate description, lack of enablement and failure to disclose the best mode....

Instruction Set

...such as the machine language instructions and registers. Many aspects of instruction sets may be proprietary, i.e., covered by patents or only disclosed in a know-how license. The best-known instruction sets are the Intel’s X-86 set and the ARM set....

Split System (patent)

A split patent litigation system is one in which infringement and validity are tried in separate cases. The best known split system is Germany. Thus in German patent litigation infringement is a separate case from validity. The infringement case is...

Merger Doctrine

...tied up in an expression of the idea, such that the idea cannot be repeated without using the expression, no copyright can subsist in the expression. The best example of the merger doctrine in action would be a mathematical equation....

No-Patent Clause

Clause prohibiting a sponsored researcher from patenting the results of the sponsored research without the sponsor’s consent. Such clauses are not uncommon where: it is believed that the best form of protection for the research results may be secrecy (i.e.,...