Incoterm generally meaning free carrier, i.e., that the seller deliver the goods to the carrier nominated by the buyer at the named place. If delivery occurs at the seller’s premises, the seller is responsible for loading. If the delivery is...

Internal Market, the

The interior of the European Union and EEA for economic purposes; the area in which the Four Freedoms especially the Free Movement of Goods applies....

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Terms for user access for a web site, application or service, which govern the use of the service by a commercial or individual user, whether free or paid for, but which do not generally govern the software’s licensing. AUP’s are...

Creative Commons

A not for profit organization which offers a standard suite of licences for the distribution of creative materials and knowledge on free licences. The Creative Commons licences promotes sharing and development of copyright materials by allowing re-use and enhancement. This...


In communications, two signals are orthogonal if one can be decoded without interference from the other. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, so often complicated rules have to be used to make sure the two signals remain orthogonal....

Law and Economics

...its concept of the application of law as an economic act. Law and economics is particularly relevant to intellectual property, competition law, and international trade. A “free-markets” subset of the law and economics movement is known as the “Chicago School”...

Fair Use

A largely US defense to copyright and trademark infringement codified in §107 of the US Copyright Act. Fair use finds its origins in free speech rights and allows the limited use of copyrighted materials or a trademark for purposes of...


...use the goods tends to be seen as a warranty, i.e., the warranty of ‘quiet enjoyment’ or that the goods are free from undisclosed claims. The details turn very much on case law and the language of the contract. The...


The term refers to who, as a matter of law, has the right to bring a legal claim, a lawsuit, an arbitration. So as to prevent a legal ‘free-for-all,’ most legal systems limit the number of persons who can bring...

Unfair Trading/Competition

...include product comparisons in advertising as unfair competition. In some countries, particularly Japan, it may include “premiums,” e.g., “buy one get one free” and “two for the price of one” deals in retail stores. Also known as fair trade law....