Free movement of Goods

...the protection of industrial and commercial property, but such rules can be attacked on grounds of proportionality. The principle of free movement of goods has been extended to include the free movement of services by various items of EU legislation....

Free Rider

...its existence is to stop ‘free riders’ from taking advantage of an inventor or author’s contribution to the world for the free rider’s own sole benefit. In reality, the existence of a genuinely ‘free rider,’ i.e., someone who takes but...

Best Mode

...though this may also refer to one of several embodiments recited in the patent, one of which must be the best mode. No best mode requirement exists under U.K. or EU patent law and failure to recognize this issue is...

Free Software Foundation

A group opposed to proprietary rights in software, i.e., intellectual property rights in software. The Free Software Foundation developed the GNU public license....

Zippo Test

Refers to a test of US personal jurisdiction set forth in a 1997 Western District of Pennsylvania trademark case, Zippo Manufacturing Co. v. Zippo Dot Com, Inc. The Zippo case dealt with a website, which Zippo Manufacturing claimed was...

Efforts (‘Endeavours/Endeavors’) Clause

Often, in contracts, a clause will provide that rather than achieve a specified objective, a party to the contract must use ‘Best Efforts’ or ‘Reasonable Efforts’ or, from time to time, ‘Best Reasonable Efforts,’ and ‘All Reasonable Efforts,’ and ‘Commercially...

Four/Five Freedoms

...states); The free movement of persons (and citizenship), including free movement of workers; The free movement of capital. In 2007 the European Commission started to advocate making the free movement of knowledge, which if recognised, would have a very significant...

Gripe Site

Internet Web site set up by disgruntled consumers to complain about company’s behavior or products, see for a particularly painful example (in this case the target sued and lost on free speech grounds). To avoid the risk of such...