Certificate of Origin

In many instances the origin of goods may affect the customs tariffs applicable to them, or in the event of sanctions, their importability. In such cases customs may seek a certificate of origin. If such a certificate is likely to...

Digital Certificate

A file that includes the name and e-mail address of the certificate holder, its period of validity, an encryption key usable to verify the holder’s digital signature, and the name of the issuer. Most commonly used to facilitate the secure...

Certificate of Acceptance

A document whereby a recipient of goods or services acknowledges that what has been delivered or completed, is acceptable, and has been manufactured or constructed according to the specification. Such a certificate is often a pre-requisite to payment and is...

Certificate of Analysis/Inspection

...If such a certificate is likely to be required it is important to include its provision as an obligation in relevant supply contracts, especially where third party certification is required as this will typically have a cost associated with it....

Securities Law

...or subscription, transferable share, investment contract, voting-trust certificate, certificate of deposit, for a security, any put, call, straddle, option, or privilege on any security, certificate of deposit, or group or index of securities (including any interest therein or based on...

Zippo Test

Refers to a test of US personal jurisdiction set forth in a 1997 Western District of Pennsylvania trademark case, Zippo Manufacturing Co. v. Zippo Dot Com, Inc. The Zippo case dealt with a website, Zippo.com which Zippo Manufacturing claimed was...

Gripe Site

Internet Web site set up by disgruntled consumers to complain about company’s behavior or products, see http://www.untied.com for a particularly painful example (in this case the target sued and lost on free speech grounds). To avoid the risk of such...


German for Competence-Competence it refers to the idea that an arbitral tribunal has the “competence” to rule on its own “competence” to hear a dispute, i.e., whether it properly has jurisdiction over the dispute, an issue sometimes referred to, partially,...